Machine Learning (Spring 2025)
GeneralQuizzes are individual effort, close-book, and in-class. You will be provided with papers. Any electronics including digital watches are not allowed, and any form of cheating will result in zero grade for the entire quiz. Some sample quizzes will be released and discussed in the discussion sessions. Students requiring alternate exam arrangements must make such requests within the first two weeks of the semester, or as soon as possible after knowing of the conflict or requirement. FormatEach quiz is worth 20% of the total grade and contains several multiple-choice questions as well as general problems that are similar to the homework. Try your best to make sure that your handwriting is recognizable. Re-gradingSimilarly to the written assignments, after each exam is graded, you have a two-day window to submit re-grade requests (regarding factual errors only) on gradescope. After the two-day window, no re-grading requests will be considered. |