Theoretical Machine Learning (Fall 2024)

Homework Due Date (Pacific Time) Files Solutions
HW1 09/22, 11:59 PM pdf, source pdf
HW2 10/13, 11:59 PM pdf, source pdf
HW3 11/03, 11:59 PM pdf, source pdf
HW4 12/01, 11:59 PM pdf, source pdf


  • Each homework is worth 10% of the total grade (the entire homework is 40%).

  • Solutions must be written in LaTeX (LaTeX source files will be provided; feel free to use them or any other templates you like).

  • Collaboration is allowed but must be stated.

  • Submit one single pdf through Brightspace.

  • Late submission policy: you are given a total of 4 late days for the 4 problem sets, to be used in integer amounts and distributed as you see fit. Additional late days will each result in a deduction of 10% of the grade of the corresponding assignment.